Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When you lose someone...

I just learned that one of my hubby's nephews has passed away.  He was only 31 years old... Oddly enough, I learned the news as I was browsing through Facebook, which left me and my hubby a very surreal feeling and took some time to realize that he was gone...

I only met him a couple of times, but I felt rather close to him because of all the updates he made thru FB - strange to say, I know... But, it is true that he was one of the most approachable person among my hubby's family members. Very open, caring, talkative, and not judgemental. I remember only getting a positive vibe from him when I met with him.

It is really sad that he had to go so early in his life. My heart aches imagining what his wife, mother, siblings, and best friends might be going through right now...
Life is not fair for sure. Recently, two of my friends also lost their family members. You lose someone important all of a sudden, and you are left with only a hollow feeling which you can't even seem to seize for yourself.  You don't know if you are sad, mad, raged, sorrow, relieved, or what. When I lost my mother; my mentor and my best friend, I went through a series of feelings very quickly in a very short period of time. I remember feeling as if my root was completely pulled out and that I no longer existed.

It may take some time, but eventually you will be healed strengthened by the great memories the person left behind for you. And, the person will live forever with you in your mind. I am hoping that the day will come soon for his loved ones. Still... losing someone you know leaves you a very distinctive empty spot in your world.

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